Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fucking Corp Comms Moron

It's amazing how some people can call themselves Asst Director of Corp Comms (emphasis on Media Relations) and not even have the most basic of conversation skills.

Don't even get me started on you apparent lack of skills when dealing with the media. Look prickhead, you piss off the media, we retaliate by digging even deeper and publishing even more salacious news. Stupid, stupid fool.

Let me explain a simple concept. The media and corp comms of organisations/government bodies have a love-hate relationship.

They need us to publicise their good news. But hate us when something goes wrong, cos we pounce on it even faster.

So we do try to have a good working relationship; a lot is give and take. 

But when you try to CENSURE my news, yell at me, intimate me, exercise your will on me, refuse to speak politely when essentially you're asking for a favour, don't hate me if I retaliate.

It all happened when I went to cover some stupid event. That stupid event resulted in an unfortunate accident.

Like any good journalist, I filed an instant report.

Doing their job, they tried to do damage control. Fair enough.

But to go so far as to declare to all media present, "please wait for our media statement before writing anything. We understand that radio has the wrong perception".

What you trying to do? Shame me into doing your bidding?

No dickhead, what you managed to do is make me publish my news on the double, and say you had yet to formulate an answer. You made it such that I was under no obligation, no goodwill left, to wait for you to formulate a generic, two-bit answer.

And then your boss had the gull to call and YELL at me, tell me that I've committed "irresponsible reporting", "factually wrong", "error", and TOLD ME TO USE MY JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY TO PUT IT RIGHT.

Yeah, like I'd be so motivated to "do the right thing" now.

You don't get to influence the media. You most certainly do not TELL the media what they can or cannot write.


So what turned out to be a small matter, has exploded further. I did another story that made you seem even more stupid. And there's more to come. 

Just because you came from the army doesn't mean you get to yell at me like I'm some clueless soldier. I'm not your subordinate, and I'm most certainly not at your mercy.

And when confronted by me, you had the gull to YELL that YOU WEREN'T YELLING AT ME. Yeah, yeah, you just have a loud, obnoxious voice that bruised my delicate ego. Sucks to you. You dare to yell, own up lah! Fucking coward. Only know how to cover backside. Cheebye, kan ni nah tamade chicken! Deny, deny, deny. Obviously no balls left, henpecked, deprived bastard who has to abuse others to feel like a man.

Stupid prick. I told my boss what happened and she called YOUR boss. I hope you get fired. Because evidently you don't know how to do your job, you barking mad dog.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Workplace oddities

I was wearing my Juicy Couture hoodie in the office the other day.

The words "JUICY COUTURE" are stitched prominently in gold on the back.

As I was talking to my colleague, my boss walked passed and said...

"Hello juicy."

If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was trying to be funny, and not in the ha-ha way.

But how odd indeed.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Alamak, failed

My station has this morning talkshow programme that discusses current issues and invites callers to air their views.

This morning, they decided to talk about the workers' dormitory that is being proposed to be built in the estate.

I went for a dialogue session that discussed this issue.

The talkshow producer invited me to go on air to share what went down during the dialogue session.

Haha, but I got cut halfway. I guess I wasn't making sense. Or not interesting. Or sound horrible on air.

Oh dear.