Women in power are funny creatures. Of course, this observation is based on my own very few personal experiences.
But I must say, they have all been rather bad.
It just feels like these women got to the top but being complete bitches. It's like they've forgotten how to be human and tend to snipe and snap drive the people around them up the walls.
Take the AWARE president. I was trying to interview her, I was trying to get her to sound rational, but all she did was snipe and snipe and snipe and get on her high horse.
All I did was try to present to her what the majority of women in Singapore feel; that too often, family is not worth sacrificing for a career. What's more, the sad ugly truth is that not many Singaporean men are willing to a) be less successful then their wives or b) take care of the family in the same way a mother would.
Many men have the opportunity to climb the corporate ladder because they know that their wives are taking care of the family. But are men willing to take on that role? I don't think so. So how can a woman comfortably leave the family and work?
That woman kept snapping that it is possible, it is possible, it is possible. Seriously? How? Tell me. What policies are you thinking of? How do you want to change society's mindset? But nooooo.... she just came off as a bra-burning, man-hating type of woman. I pity her husband.
And then I recently interviewed this super high-flying woman who's also the chairman of a charity organisation.
She came off as this snippy, unforgiving person who must correct your every word. And she does it in a roll-your-eyes, stare intimidating at you manner.
"Challenges, not obstacles".
"Burn-out is too strong a word. Grow weary and leave the organisation."
Hellooooo??? Aren't you just playing word games with me. Call a spade a spade lah.
Seriously, I never have this problem when I interview men. I'm not playing into the archetypical role of a "small woman" but women in power are such a turnoff.
They get to the top by being bitches. At least the men know how to conceal it better. Don't invite the press to cover some event unless you're willing to play nice.
No wonder female bosses have such a bad rep. It appears that the reputation is real.