Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm Doomed...
Sobz, so sad... turns out it wasn't a sprain.

After last week's debacle, I religiously applied ointment on my ankle and the swelling and pain gradually went away. Thinking the worse was over, I went to play volleyball again on Friday.

Not my best move, I must admit.

The pain came back almost from the start, and as I was going home, my ankle started shooting bolts of pain up my leg.

So in fear, I went to a Chinese physio to twist my leg back into shape. I nearly fell off the examining table when he proclaimed that my foot was "out of alignment". But that was not nearly as great a shock as when he told me to lay off exertion for 2 months. 2 months!!! wth!!! And no high heels, no running and no jumping!!!!

I asked him whether it could be a shorter period of rest. That snarky physio was so grumpy that he told me if i chose to ignore his words, he would only be too happy because then I would need to keep going back to him and give him business.

Bleah, if Wayne Rooney can break his matatarsal and heal quicker than doctors predicted, so can I, dammit.

No high heels? At least Fadz would be happy. And yes yes, we've made up. What to do, my heart so soft, cannot stay mad for long. :P

On a happier note, I'm off to Taiwan on Monday! Jay Chou my darling, 我来找你了! xxoo

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Men Are Stupid Creatures
Don't give me some bull crap about stereotyping and making sweeping statements. Men ARE stupid creatures, there are no exceptions and sometimes they truly deserve to burn in bachelor hell. They can sit around and watch bad football, drink stale beer and reminisce about how stupid they were. Bah.

I was having volleyball training in school yesterday, running and jumping around and just doing my thing, when I executed a poor landing and popped my ankle. Hobbling painfully off the court, I hastily wrapped my ankle in tape. So what did I do next? I called my supposed boyfriend to come and take me home cos I needed emotional and physical support.

I called, he hemmed and hawed, going so far as to say that it probably wasn't anything serious and I just wanted to whine to someone, and informed me that "what was he suppose to do?" and "why don't you just take a cab home?"

I was furious. So much for being the love of my life. So much for caring about my welfare. Argh. In a fit of rage and with too much pent up anger, I tightened the bandage, laced up my shoe, and played volleyball for another 2 hours.

Talk about cutting off your nose to spike your face. Today, I woke up and my ankle hurts like hell. I'm sitting on my couch, stewing in my self pity and angry over how pathetic the situation is. Fuck lah. I can't even go out cos it hurts too much to walk.

His act of nonchalance, blatant laziness and inconsiderate behaviour cuts all the more especially when I'm surrounded with new love. 2 of my team mates have recently hooked up and just seeing the "new bliss" that surrounds them tears me into a million pieces when I'm faced with the lack of concern. Their boyfriends make the trip to SMU just to see their girlfriends, never mind the distance and what not. I'm hurt and stupid Fadz can't even be bothered to come get me.

I think this is the fear faced by every longtime relationship. That your other half simply stops caring. Stops trying to make magic happen because why bother? That stale moldiness that sets in and drives me to despair. Who am I to judge people who indulge in flings and whatnot when I find myself wanting to cave in to similar temptations? The need for something new, the need to find what is lacking in your current relationship. The need to stop doing what's right and start doing what feels GOOD. To stop thinking about the future for a moment, to throw caution to the wind, to live it up for one night, damn the consequences and be FREE.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Heart Is Broken

I'm shattered. My soul is battered. My heart has been smashed into a million pieces.


I absolutely HATE Portugal now. I hope France kicks the shit out of those asses. I hope France's defence cuts down Christiano Shithead Ronaldo so fast he dives as a desperate attempt to get the other team carded but his dumb act is recognized by the referee and HE gets carded.

Yes, I am that passionate. From now on, I shall refer to that country as PUI. Next week, it's France versus PUI. Remember to bet your money in France. NO way is that loser team getting into the finals.

It was such a painful match to watch. First, my beautiful darling Beckham was injured and had to be sent off. His pained and despairing facial expressions cut into my heart with every wince. Then stupid Rooney had to go and clash with dumbass Ronaldo. He should have kicked his balls too. And let's not forget the penalty shootout. When Lampard missed, I knew England was screwed. Absolutely agonizing stuff.

I watch football for David. Every tear, every cheer, is for him. Sigh...

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So magnificantly beautiful. So regal. Sir David Beckham. My knight. Probably his last World Cup. And since La Liga matches are in the insane hours of 2-3am, I doubt I'll see much of him unless he comes back to English football. Sigh.

Here's my final homage to the freekick wonder. Sir Beckham. I salute you.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Random Events In My Life

Yeah, haven't blogged for a long time. No Internet access at my work place, what. But thank God, my assignment is over. Finito. I don't think I've ever been so happy. Yup, definitely not in the working mood this vacation. How to be when I just want to go on holidays? Anyway.. here's what's happening in my life...


I've found the love of my life. Sorry Fadz man, it's been a good run, but I think it's the curtains for us. Sometimes things change and as Heidi Klum would say, "One day you're in, and the next day, you're out." There really was no competition... My new love gives me comfort, support and is simply magnificant. How to compare?




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Meet Triple Chocolate Crunch. I swear, once you taste this amazing cereal from Marks and Spencer, there simply is no way to turn back. It's delightful crunches of lovingly toasted oats, interspaced with 3 kinds of chocolate that melts in the mouth. Together with milk, and you can't go wrong. Mama mia, I am in love! Pure sin, this is to die for.

Haha, you really think I would leave Fadz and still be able to sound like such a cold hearted bitch, meh? Ok, don't answer that. I may be a bitch at times, but I'm lovable, okay. Although I must admit, I came this close to punching Fadz in the face over our 4th year anniversary.

LIFE as I know it

Yup, you read that right. 4 freaking years. It's madness, I tell you. Even I'm surprised that we've lasted this long. Between my bouts of psychotic mood swings and his unreadable stoniness, I would have thought we'd have killed each other or at least, committed suicide.

But anyway, back to my latest act of near violence. So there I was, busy sewing my poor fingers to the bone, making a surprise present for Fadz. Oh well, I missed the dateline by a week and a half, but it was a lot of work!

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The pillow, not the couch. Handstitched the pillow casing (what to do, no sewing machine)! Now isn't that enough dedication to make you weep?

When I finally presented it to him, the little twerp at least had the decency to look touched. But in a moment of humbleness, I admitted that it wasn't my best work and there were some errors. Oh yeah, and go easy on the stitching.

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I did back stitches and pillow stitches, but I suspect it can still fall apart.

So what did he do? Instead of being a great boyfriend and romantically declaring that it was beautiful and he couldn't see any errors, he actually had the cheek to examine it closely and point out a mis-stitch. See, wasn't my rage justifiable?


Sigh, at least he's redeemed himself. Seeing how I'm in my "Arts and Craft" phase, in a moment of inspiration, I decided it was time to spruce up my bedroom walls. It's been almost 6 months since I repainted my room, and I decided that it was looking a bit bare. So I persuaded (coerced) Fadz into helping me stencil and paint some designs. He did the stenciling while I read blogs. Yes, I can be horrible too. But I love, love, love how it turned out!

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My family is aghast. Is there no end to my shamelessness? You bet. Bow before me, serfs. I did most of the painting, anyway.


Oh yeah, and Father's Day. Ate at CHIJMES... this place called Carnivore. For meat lovers, it's amazing. 12 different kinds of meats charred to perfection and cut at your table still hot from the grill. It's a buffet, so it's nonstop meat after meat after meat. I nearly puked, but it was fantastic nonetheless. And they have funny as hell Brazilian chefs walking from table to table, cutting meats and obviously, they do not speak much English, except "Very nice, very nice!" or "Hen how chi!"

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Daddy's Girl... moi

I can't wait for Taiwan. 23 more days to go! ;)