Pain... Take Away The Pain...
Went for volleyball training yesterday. Supposedly our first IVP training, and a grand total of 6 people turned up. Whoopdeedoo. We are so screwed. At least the coach turned up. But then again, when your coach is one of the player's boyfriend... you know something is wrong. Alright, shall not bash him. He's nice enough, always smiling.. and smiling even wider when we receive the ball wrongly and he punishes us by hitting the ball even harder. Most athletes are sadists.
My thighs are burning, but I think it's worth it. It's the only way I get any exercise man. Lalalala, my last attempt at preventing myself from turning into a ball of lard. *grinz*
Besides, it caused my period to come! Yes, that is indeed a thing to celebrate about. My dear old bloody period has been missing in action for 2 months. Now, my body is crazy. If I get stressed/angry/tired/fat, my period wouldn't come. Since I was stressed/angry the past 2 months, my period didn't come. That is a bad, bad thing. I'd get moody, too emotional and lash out at people more easily. Sigh, blessed thee. Begone, mood swings! Hello, party time!
I'm in a daze right now. Trying to stay awake in CAT class, and appearing to be listening. Right. You and I know better.
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