Sunday, August 06, 2006

Singapore Fireworks 2006

Oh.My.God. The number of Singaporeans who have nothing to do on a Saturday night is amazing. I thought it would be fun to go check out the Fireworks competition since I was in the vicinity, but the sheer pandemonium that greeting us was madness. Hundreds of people squeezed along the riverbank of Esplanade Park. People pushing, children screaming... you would have thought that the world was ending.

But I succeeded. I admit, it isn't very good footage, but footage nonetheless. And my viewpoint was terrible. But I did manage to capture the first few minutes of the fireworks display by Team Italy.

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Look at the number of people who turned up! I was pushed, shoved, poked, prodded and harrassed severely.

Stupid trees blocked my clear view. Disclaimer: if you suffer from motion sickness and throw up after watching this, not my problem. I don't have steady hands and I was trying my best to stay on tiptoes for a better view. Hence the shaking.

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After-battle us. The Fadz man was not happy.

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But nothing like a little sinful dessert to make things better. Yums!

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