Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Have moved into Cheryl's digs for the exam period. My block is currently getting a facelift (lift ungrading) and the noise is absolutely intolerable. Coupled with some new neighbours moving in and all that insufferable knocking at random hours of the day... Let's just say I'm not even a mugger normally. But all that noise just seems to make it too easy for me to throw the towel in. Besides, I was getting incredibly cranky. I was starting to glare at anyone who even resembled a constructoin worker. I know, I know, it's not their fault. But hey, I need to channel my angst towards someone, yeah?

I don't think I'm made out for the loner lifestyle. Cheryl is gone for most of the day so I spend my time pottering around an empty house. Locking myself in my room at home is still a vast difference from being all alone in a house from 8am to 9pm (yeah, that's how long civil servants work, so maybe people should layoff them for earning so much). At least I know that if I need some human contact, I can simply walk out of my room and talk to me mum. But over here.. I know no one. I can interact with no one. And I'm BORED STIFF. Where's my cable tv????

Sigh, I'm so looking forward to Beijing. The guide told us to expect sandstorms at least 2 out of 6 days. Goodie. I want a facial but that'd probably take my skin off. Or blow me off the Great Wall. What a spectacular way to end my life.

Hmm, definitely cranky. When I take such great pleasure plotting my own demise, something has GOT to be wrong.

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