Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lost In A Relationship Haze

How do I deal with a man who doesn't voice his displeasure, makes plans without asking me, assumes that I remember all dates, when he knows full well that I'm one of the most scattered brain people on earth?

One of our traditions for the past few years has been that we'd watch the big Reds Clash. If you don't speak football, that's Manchester United facing off Liverpool.

Unfortunately, I do not keep track of the dates, and I made plans on the same night of the big match.

When I told F, his face fell and he kept quiet. Then he put on his "oh well, moving on..." face and tried to act nonchalant.

Of course I feel bad, of course I feel like a heel for forgetting the match. But since he knows that I make plans there and then, and he didn't care to remind me, assuming that I would remember and we'd do something together, even though we haven't spoken much in the past week...

It just irks me, this assumption.

I'm not one who does things on the downlow; everything has to be spelt out clearly, in advance, with proper notification.

And when I prodded him, asking if he was mad, he gives me answers like "why must everything be spelt out? can't you tell?"

I felt like hitting him.

After 7 years, I'm still clueless. I don't know if I should just hang my head in despair.

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