And it seems like he's never gonna finish before midnight.
Whine, whine, whine, I hate working nights.
It's creepsville in the office.
And dead tired does not even begin to describe how exhuasted I am right now.
And it seems like he's never gonna finish before midnight.
Whine, whine, whine, I hate working nights.
It's creepsville in the office.
And dead tired does not even begin to describe how exhuasted I am right now.
I read in 8 Days that Fann Wong calls Christopher Lee "爱爱" in private as a term of endearment.
As if struck by a bolt of inspiration, I turned to Fadz one evening and starting calling him "love-love" in my most manja of voices.
And of course, being Fadz, he gave me his patented "what the bleagh!" look.
Annoyed, I told him to christen a term of endearment for me too.
After a short pause, guess what the brilliant man comes up with?
So pleased with himself, he called me nut-nut nonstop for the next 5 minutes.
Why, someone please tell me, why I'm in love with a sadist?
Man, am I confused (I seem to be doing a lot of that recently, eh?)
But, seriously, does this look like a gay man to you?
This was from a shoot for Details magazine (gotta love liberal America!)
I love Adam Lambert, his voice is practically an orgasm.
And I was really cool with the whole gay thing, cos his talent outshone his sexual preference.
But that's how I view Adam. And now this?
Again, how is that a gay man???
Frankly, I think he's bi.
Huh, the 4-day work week party seems to be over.
If you recall, my dear company reduced our working hours and our pay at the start of the year due to the financial crisis.
This meant I had a 4-day work week, but less moolah to throw around.
And I really got attached to the shorter work week. Ah the glory of flitting in and out of empty shopping centres on a weekday! (of course, I also had less money to spend, so it was a weird catch-22 situation).
Well, seems like the ol' company is bouncing back, and the 5-day week is being reinstated.
That means the old pay is back to.
But but but.... back to a 5-day week?
However will I survive?
Suddenly, I find myself pulled in a bazillion directions at work. And of course, everyone has their own agenda. So what's mine? Just treading water and trying to keep my head above the surface.
Haha, and I think I managed to piss off a gay editor. Called him and another guy "Bert and Ernie". Soooo did not appreciate that. Warned me about OB markers and crossing the boundary. Whatever dude.
Trust me to have a foot in mouth moment, right?
Anyway, nothing like a bit of Glee to perk me up.
Bear in mine the kids are supposed to be high on drugs. Which explains the bad dancing and super fast speeches.
It was girls vs boys week!
Girls rocked vocally, but the hair flipping just flippin' annoyed me!
And Finn is a hilariously bad dancer!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Seething with rage at the moment, in case you can't tell.
Nothing annoys me more than incompetence and poor planning. Especially last minute changes.
Especially when I've made plans that are destroyed through no fault of mine.
knn. Just because I'm cheerful and easygoing, does not mean I appreciate being used as the last resort to sort out your mess.
Get your bloody act together, before too many people recognise your incompetence.
I'm not talking about the 3Fs - family, Fadz, friends.
Go imagine what else in my life can fuck me up so badly.