I'm Stuck In A Rut
At work, in life... just stuck.
It's like being in limbo - there's no sense of movement, just a floating sensation that time is passing me by, but nothing concrete is happening.
It gets worse.. I'm not even sure what's a viable alternative. Seriously, I think I'm in a sucky position, but what's a better option?
Sometimes I wonder how I got here. I had a defined path, I was actively pursuing it.. and then the winds blew me here. And I've been here for 3 years, and still not sure what I'm doing.
And that's really the story of my life. I see the pattern repeated over and over again. Just when I put my mind down and decide on a course of action, after I've made peace with it... the winds of fate blow me completely off course.
So am I waiting for the next gust of wind? Have the heavens grown bored of me? Am I finally left to my own devices?
Yes, I'm in a rather dramatic mood at this hour.
In other, completely unrelated news... I met a mutual friend of F and mine today. We starting chit chatting and I know he meant no harm..
He mentioned that F told him bits and pieces of how things ended, and he said I cheated on him.
Cheated. Such an ugly word.
But I guess it was simply calling a spade a spade.
I don't regret my decision, I really don't.
Perhaps the only thing I do possibly regret is that I started something when I was still in a relationship.
But hey, the best advice I received, strangely enough, came from F.
He said the heart is seldom wrong.