Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I'm sick, sick, sick

I'm sick, sick, sick

Aargh, someone save me. i came down with a mysterious illness on tuesday and i'm suffering it's after-effects.

it all began on tuesday morning, when my tummy started to feel weird during my stats class. maybe it was brought upon by the incessant droning of the prof, but whatever the case, i dashed to the toilet and crapped my life out.

i got progressively worse during the lesson, culminating in me dashing into a cab and heading straight for home. been alternatedly sleeping and having bouts of diarrhoea. urgh.

but the worse had yet to come. i puked at 4am this morning. i basically sat on the toilet floor, willing myself to heave something out, if only to make the bloatedness go away. i sure did heave after a while; but since all i had for that day was an apple, my stomach contracted severely before the little bits of apple came out. not nice at all.

have to go to school tomorrow. and then to work. not looking forward to it at all. i still feel incredibly weak, probably due to the lack of eating and all that shitting. urgh. but always be positive, hence the one bright spark of this whole fiasco is that i'm losing weight. hah.

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