Sunday, April 03, 2005

Time To Get Fat

And the biannual binge-a-thon begins. It's amazing how much crap i can shovel into my mouth when i'm bored or doing work. Ok, they mean the same thing to me. :)
I'm attempting to do my stats revision and boy is it a snooze-fest. oh god, damn the person who invented maths! it is so mind-numbingly boring that i can't sit still for more than 5 minutes. sigh, this is getting no where.
besides wasting my life away on a bunch of lifeless numbers, i'm killing my body. Seriously, anything that is bite-size beware! i devour grapes by the bunches and now i'm working my way through a packet of peanuts. i thought that since i would have to shell them, it would slow me down. Dreamer. All it did was slow down my writing speed. Why do i even bother?
Thank goodness my restrain against potato chips, the number one killer, is still holding. I find it totally annoying that some people eat chips but taking multiple dainty bites out of the same chip. Gad's sake, it's meant to be eaten in one bite! So stop desecrating this sacred action! bleah, if i stay at home any longer, i might soon lose the ability to get my ass off the chair. Someone help me!!!!!!
sigh. i'm bored. i'm unmotivated. i just want to get out and do something, but i have no idea what. when did i become so wishy-washy and indecisive? it's disgusting. really, it is. And now my thoughts can't even flow properly and i'm talking gibberish. i apologise to everyone who has to read this crap. must be all the calories clogging up the remnants of a once active mind. aaahh, do i miss those days when i sounded intelligent.

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