Thursday, June 30, 2005

Beware The Butt Connoisseur

Hmm, must be the hormones talking. Either that, or I'm really missing the boyfriend. He's stuck in his stupid camp these 2 weeks for a stupid standby for the stupid IOC meeting in Singapore. Anyway, I've been feeling peckish lately; caught myself checking out this guy's butt the other day. All nice and perky, covered up with a pair of delectable and nice fitting white bermudas. Of course, the fact that he had a nice face and a nice body overall helped a lot. Okay, I'm digressing. Actually, not really. This whole entry is going to be well, about boys. Or more accurately, my changing preferences in men.

Long ago, back in good ol' Bukit Panjang, I had a taste for the more effeminate and less er, rugged. Think Bai Zhan Ji (White Chicken). I remember liking this guy from choir (!!!! Already a danger signal for faggoty fags!!!!) who was all soft and fair (of course, he had a nice baritone which was quite sexy). For those of you who knew me back in Sec One and remember how white I was, I think this guy could have matched me in the fairness department. Unfortunately, I can't remember his name now to include in my Hall of (Liking) Shame. Let's just call him.. The Jap Wannabe Gay Guy.

Sec Two: I started to play hardcore volleyball and let's just say the volleyball guys were the few better looking folks in BP. And guess who I would lust after? Hanxiong and Zee Kiong. So what were so special and distinguishing about them? Nothing. Except that they were both very fair, slight of built (but tall enough, thankfully) and played volleyball very well (damn big turn-on can!). Hanxiong was the worse of the 2: he had the smoothest legs I've ever seen, on a guy or girl. Zee Kiong, fortunately, was born with a little more dignity and had hairy legs. *smirk*

I think I truly degenerated in Sec Three. Ahh, thinking back on the whole Bill Lee saga, I feel more than a twange of shame. For this was the one truly big twerp who (I strongly suspect) turned me off Chinese men once and for all. He was this fair, nubile young thing, played trumbone in the school band, and was also a fellow councillor. He turned out to be a complete bastard. Going into the same class but not knowing anyone, I suppose he thought that by banding with me, he would at least save himself from complete ignomity (I knew most of my classmates from previous years). He truly played me like an idiot. He would call me up every night, say sweet things to me, basically did things that I now see were designed to make me fall for him. Very, very cruel. And because of him, I nearly came to blows with a dear ol friend of mine (Jun Jie), who thought that I was the blindest fool in the world for liking Bill. Sadly, I never saw it coming. After getting bored with me and since the class boys weren't letting him in as part of the group simply because he was my good friend, he deserted me. He chased the other girls in the class and tried to play them too. But I think only I was the biggest fool to fall for him. I don't remember breaking down into tears. I don't remember being particularly upset. I only remember wanting revenge and hating him for using me so callously. And so I systematically worked to destroy his life and reputation in BP. Ah yes, a vindictive and spurned woman at her best.

And so ended my love affair with Chinese men. I'm just glad that Bill didn't cause me to turn into a lesbian. :)

Moving on to AJ, my feelings were still a bit raw from the whole Bill thing (it took me 2 years to recover completely) and I wasn't exactly looking for a relationship. But who knew? Along came Fadz who healed me emotionally. Of course, I was hesitant in the beginning and even tried to deny any feelings. Mainly because I was afraid that I was jumping to the same conclusion as I did with Bill. Fadz called me every night. He did little things that made my heart flutter. The similarities were almost uncanny. Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully, he turned out to be who he is. Simply great. I'm not saying he's perfect (he did almost crush my heart to pieces when we broke up for a while), but we're still together 3 years later, and I still love him with enough intensity to have a smile on my face whenever I think of him. :)

But what was equally significant was my changeover to checking out Malay guys. I don't know when it happened, but it did. Hello, does anyone remember when I went ballastic over Taufik? I thought he was hot as hell and those long eyelashes nearly drove me nuts. Gosh, that was really crazy. And remember the student I mentioned at the start of this entry? Well, he was Malay too. Hahahaha... I just feel that the Muds know how to dress and act with more style.. Call it poser or whatever, but some of them are seriously hot, hot, hot!

So the point is this... From nubile, fair and androgynous Chinese boys, I've developed a taste for chocolate skinned, nicely toned Malay guys (with gorgeous perky butts in nice fitting jeans). Hehehe... I'm so terrible. But if any girl ever wants to join me in a nice afternoon admiring the finest dark skinned butts in Singapore (not too optimistic about the face. It's Singapore, yeah :P), you know where to find me.

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