Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I've Finally Stopped Bumming Around!!!

And I totally hate it. Started work today. Oh. My. God. My brain has completed stopped functioning. Seriously. The lack of mental activity this summer has rendered incapable. I'm temping at Credit Bureau, doing accounts for the first time. And I suck. Never mind that I took Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting and Finance in school. And scored As and Bs. I have officially given back everything to the school. Assets? Liabilities? Equity? *Snort* I totally blanked out at certain times when the previous temp girl was explaining the work ernestly. Sigh.

How depressing. I totally miss my idyllic life. I would watch the World Cup with Fadz till 5am, wake up at 1pm, paddle around the house, get ready to go out, hang out. I have time to read, sew, go online and go to the gym. Now I'm stuck behind a desk. Aarrggghhh....

And I keep dreaming about traveling. Having come back from a fantastic backpacking trip in Vietnam, I keep dreaming of the fun times I'd have come July when Pei Wen and I jet off to Taiwan for a shopping trip to end all shopping trips. We're gonna be complete plebians. No culture please. We spend all our tim searching for notable shopping centres and districts to visit. Even the Nike factory outlet has been marked out. But Chang Kei Shek Musuem? Nah. Temples and Pagodas? Enough of that.

I should never have accepted the job. I've just wrecked a fantastic summer holiday. How can one go from this:

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and this...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

to being stuck in an air-conditioned room for 9 hours? *sobs*

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