Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Random Thoughts
Exams start tomorrow, for 2 consecutive days. Am I prepared? Don't think so. Fingers crossed and hopefully I don't fail.

3 construction works going on simultaneously around my house. Neighbour tearing up kitchen. Government tearing up the parking lot. Some other work. Noise is killing me. Am retreating to Cheryl's house for the remainder of this week. No, this time I'm seriously gonna study. I have to! And I'm NOT bringing the swimsuit.

What do I want to do once the exams are over (in 3 days time!)? Hmm, no one wants to employ me, so that means I'd be broke, but damn free. Great. And Christmas was is coming. What do I want, what do I want.... Prada Gucci Dior Fat chance. Need to think realistically. What do I want indeed....

Told you it was random. Too much last minute cramming does that to the brain.


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