Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Rose By Any Other Name...

I'm fucking annoyed. Some people are really, really stupid turds of shit. Seriously, how difficult is it to get my name correct?

It's like a global virus hitting the stupid button. Brains are freezing. The ability to discern between similar names has evaporated. A lot of the people left standing just call people by whatever name they deem fit. Fuckfaces.

It started with York during Leadership and Team Building. He kept calling me Joanna. Presentations, group meetings, emails; even on the cover pages of our projects. He would introduce me as Joanna to the class, directed work to me as Joanna. I was beyond mad.

I love my name and I refuse to allow it to be bastardize. So I took action. I specifically emailed all our group members and signed off as JoannE. I explicitly told him to please take care because my name was spelt as JoannE with an "E". You know what he did?

He replied, "I'm sorry, JoannaE."

I nearly fell off my chair. It was only after 6 weeks of constant bombarding, a feedback session during which I told him it was rude that he mis-said, misspelled my name because I felt it showed a lack of concern to properly learn my name, before he finally got it right. Sheesh.

Over the years, I encounter people who are so accustomed to Joanna that they slip up occasionally. But usually, they get it right once I politely correct them.

But never have I met such a fierce adversary. She's relentless, aggressive and stubborn. She's also my prof. Not only does she call my by the wrong name, but also by the wrong SURNAME. I don't even know how she comes up with it.

It started harmless enough. She called me Joanna, I said Joanne. She persisted, I countered nicely. But then she started calling me Joanna Lee. And I'm totally like, What the Fuck? Not only do you disrespect me, you disrespect my surname!

But she's my prof. I can't tell her she's a blatant retard, right? I was so exasperated once that I just yelled out "Joanne Chan!!!!". But no, she's old. She's a spinster. She's my prof. How much more can I protest?

Someone please tell me what I can do. I'm despairing. And if any of you call me Joanna, I'd have to kill you. :)

And to all those people with similar sounding names, I completely sympathize with you.

Abused Names...
~ Joanne/Joanna ~
~ Martine/Martina ~
~ Christine/Christina ~
~ Florentine/Florentina ~
~ Coral/Coralla ~

Ok, this is spiralling out of control. Will take it as my personal mission to exterminate stupid people. So I say, vote for me. Bring me to power. And then I'll go about reducing the number of idiots walking this earth.

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