Friday, June 22, 2007


I'm officially bored. My big boss is terribly ill and took MC for the whole week, meaning my Sup is pretty darn free too. So free that she was bored of looking at the screen / watching YouTube, and decided to go for a smoke break walk. The person next to me is on leave cos her boyfriend was going for minor surgery. That's girlfriend speak for I-want-to-sleep-in-late.

So where does this leave me? Doing data entry. Ok, I kinda know that is what I signed up for, and frankly, I recognize the importance of setting up the employee system. Seriously, the information is all over the place, no one knows who someone else is, don't even know whether male or female. It's semi-ludicrous. So yeah, that's my grand job, keying in everyone's information.

But that doesn't prevent it from being the world's most boring job. I'm practically snoozing away at my seat. And hence, blogging.

Guess I could bitch a little about my colleagues. They're mostly nice people, very task-oriented but always ready to spare a smile. You just have to distinguish the fakes from the genuine warm human beings.

I absolutely detest the Executive Assistant to the CEO. Now she, redefines BITCH. And probably SLUT too. Social climber who is shameless about her antics. On my 2nd day here, I met her at the photocopier (yup, that's where we all form close bonds). She smiled at me, and I thought, what a nice lady. And then she tried to make conversation as we printed our stuff. So when she asked what I wanted to do for a career, I told her I'm quite interested in exploring the HR track. That's when her claws came out. She smiled a pitying smile, and said in a vastly superior voice, "Why HR? Now, if I was in a management position, HR would be the first to go. It can simply be outsourced." Erm, thanks a lot bitch. Did I do anything to provoke such a hostile statement? You think so easy to outsource ah? HR personnel fight fires every single freaking day, solving problems that demand immediate attention. Sure, the calculation of payroll can be outsourced, leave and MC can be electronized. But what happens when there are queries? What happens when there are discrepencies, miscommunication, unhappiness? A warm body is important can! Fine, you think everything can be outsourced. Next time you need to make an expense claim or medical claim, I shall put a phone in front of you and ask you to call the outsourcer to solve your stupid petty problems!

After that attack, I became rather weary of her, and also more observant of her behaviour. Boy, is she a disgusting old cow. Ok, so at 47 she's not that old, but for her to blatantly flirt with all her bosses gives me the creeps. She speaks with this stupid, fake ang moh accent, thinking it gives her polish but just reminds me of sad SPGS and what they would be like 20 years down the road. Pitiful. And she giggles like a cross between a hyena and a 2-year old, which grates on my nerves. The women in the office steer clear of her. The men are too stupid to realize.

And things really turned for the worse just a few days ago. It was about 6pm, knockoff time. She comes over as if the queen is sweeping into the room, gracing her serf with her grand presence. She wants a favour: drafting of a simple letter and getting the CFO to sign it. In the time she takes to explain the situation to me, she could have jolly well completed the whole damn thing. But no, I suppose piddly little letters are beneath her Royal High(Ass)ness. So after taking 1 minute to write the bloody thing (there were previous letters! Similar! Just change the damn fields!) I passed it to her to take a look. She reads. She sighs dramatically. I ask if anything's wrong (hello, this is the 5th of such letters you've asked for), and she has the gall to say "It's not perfect, but it'd do. It's grammatically off."

Mother fucking, holy hell of all bitches!!!!!!!!! You ask for a favour, show no gratitude, be a complete bitch and dare to behave as if I'm a total imbecile! Argh!

And as a powerless intern, all I could do was grin and bear. But in my mind, all these gruelsome thoughts were spinning so quickly I developed a headache. Yes, I was THAT pissed. Sheesh. And all the way home, I kept thinking of insults that I could have hurled at her if I was in a different position. My favourite was "At least my face isn't so lined it can be used as a water catchment area!" or "At least when I raise my eyebrows, my kneecaps don't stretch!" Ok, I know these 2 statements contradict each other, but I haven't had time to look closely enough to see whether her face is indeed lined or Botoxed to death.

Ok, enough grousing. Back to work..... Zzzzzz....

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