Sunday, September 23, 2007

We sometimes choose to find solutions for the outward manifestation of a problem, rather than deal with the root of the problem. We prefer to ignore the ugly truth and hammer away at the surface, attempting to heal wounds that run too deep.

But in the end, in the end, the root always bubbles forth. In the end, the problem never goes away.

Ah humans! How blind we can be. Choosing to ignore what is right in front of us, afraid to face up to facts. Afraid of what the alternatives are, clinging on to memories that should have long faded into the past.

Maybe it's time I woke up and stopped trying to fool myself. Maybe it's time I stopped trying to fool the world and in return, cacoon myself in a blissful haze of ignorance.

Don't worry, it has nothing to do with Greg. He was merely a side distraction, an attempt at diverting my attention away from my problems. If nothing else, at least he gave me a reason to deal with the issues at hand.

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