Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY is bad for the waistline

Oh My Lordie, Lord, Lord! I think I've consumed more calories in the past 3 days than a small nation. It's disgusting how much I can eat when presented with really, really good food.

Let's see.... It was Jumbo seafood on CNY's eve, Sweet Salty Spicy on CNY day 1, Royal China on CNY day 2.

In between, we played mahjong at my mum's behest, which meant non-stop snacking.

And at night, there was Mac's and Canadian Pizza.

How like that????????

Oh, and I must say, nothing is sacred in my house. For some reason, Cheryl and I got into a word slamming contest, using each other's Zodiac sign.

It all started after lunch on the CNY second day, and for some reason, Cheryl called me a "crazy cow". (technically, I'm an Ox, but more on that later).

So that really fired me up, and in retaliation, a whole string of stuff came out from my mouth...

"Stupid sheep!" (technically, she's a goat, but oh well).

"Silly sheep!"

"Slanderous sheep!"

"Sala sheep!" , "Siao sheep!" (yes, at this point, we gave up on the English language)

Then remembering that she's actually a goat...

"Grotesque Goat!" , "Goateed goat!" (I especially liked this one)

She, whose vocabulary is strangely limited, starting yelling...

"Crazy cow!" , "corny cow!" , "crappy cow!" , "cucu cow!" (her Hokkien is so bad.. it should be kuku lah!)

So this continued until the night, and when we were having dinner, Cheryl lamented that "C" was such a tough letter to be rude about.

That's when Fadz chimed in...

"Callous cow!" , "Crude Cow!!!" (my own boyfriend leh)

And reminding all that I'm actually an Ox...

"Obscene Ox!!" (at this point, Cheryl fell off her chair in hysterical laughter)

Then my mum walks in, and being a horse, we had a go at her too.

Cheryl: hairy horse

Me: humongous horse

Fadz: hamsup horse

Geraldine: HORNY HORSE

My mum, as you can guess, did not laugh.

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