Sunday, January 04, 2009

My Family, the Jokers

At dinner tonight, for some strange reason, we starting talking about weddings and all the idiosyncracies, craziness that goes with it.

And for some strange reason, it turned towards the traditional custom of getting the newly wed couple to eating something sweet and sticky, to symbolize a 甜甜蜜蜜marriage.

Not that any of us are getting married anytime soon, of course.

Mum: In my days, I was made to eat sweet mee sua. For you, I'd be kinder. Can eat 汤圆.
Cheryl: (continuing her Westernized, Chinese-eschewing ways) Told you my wedding will be free from anything cheena.
Me: A Krispy Kreme donut, I'd eat a Krispy Kreme donut!
(Cheryl and I start waxing lyrical about the beauty of a Krispy Kreme)
Mum: (after a long pregnant pause) Cannot. Got hole in the middle.
Cheryl: I can't believe we're having a serious conversation about this.
(after another long pause)
Me: Mochi! Japanese mochi!
(Cheryl and I continue oohing and ahhing about mochi)
Mum: (after careful consideration) Ok, mochi can. I'd fly to Japan and get for you.

Yes, my family is VERY into food. Definitely live to eat, not eat to live.

Why waste calories on something non-tasty?

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