Friday, January 16, 2009

A Passion for Everything

Quite a good day at work. I think there's nothing like the adrenaline rush of making a life report, and having to deal with the elements.

So there I was again, five minutes before going live on radio, where every mistake is magnified a thousand times.

My scripts half done, and Ican't find a quiet place to file my report. So I go to the life lobby, and await my queue.

Then the lifts start going crazy, merrily "dinging" away as the life doors open and people enter and exit.

I get so distracted, I call my presenter by the wrong name (whoopsie!!!).

So there I was, balancing my notepad on my thigh as the script is written over three pages. Desperate to turn my notebook, I squat down next to the plant to make the flip.

And my interviewee walks past me, with this mildly bemused expression on his face, like, why the hell is the reporter squatting like a lian next to a plant????

Anyhoo, it's moments like these that make my day exciting. Nothing's ever the same. No matter how many times I've gone live, each time still feels like the first time, the tense butterflies in the stomach, the heightened awareness of my surroundings.

Haha, I may bitch about my work a lot, but I guess deep down, I do enjoy it to a certain extent. Except for really stupid events.

And I suppose that kinda enjoyment applies to everything in life. In relationships, and in the will to live.

When one stops enjoying life, work, love, people, what's the point of continuing?

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