Sunday, September 06, 2009


It's utterly depressing that after 5 days of heavy medication, my illness is still not getting better.

I'm in a constant state of panic and taking my temperature so frequently it feels like the thermometer is permanently in my mouth.

And yet, every time things seems a little normal and I go off the fever meds, my temperature goes up again.

Do you know how horrible fever medication is? I've lost my appetite, it makes me want to gag, my mouth is always dry.

And my cough hasn't gotten better either. I've been coughing so often, deep, racking coughs that leaves me breathless and gasping for air.

And it sounds like I have a lot of phlegm, but it seems like it's all stuck in my chest. So I try to loosen it from my lungs by doing some mad coughing, but I just end up hurting my throat.

Now it feels like a rake is scratching across my throat, even my ears hurt. It hurts to speak, it hurts to breathe.

I don't want to eat, I don't want to move, I'm stuck in my room 24/7, the meds make me so sleepy. But I'm going insane from not leaving the house since Wednesday.

If things don't turn around tomorrow, my GP is recommending that I go to a hospital.

Man, is this turning out to be a fun September.

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