Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Universal Studios Singapore is mad fun!

Ok, so there are perks to the job sometimes.

And one of it is getting to go for sneaks and premieres!

Got sent for a sneak preview of Universal Studios today.. and although I still had to do a story, it was worth it!

Only managed to take photos of the entrance. After that, it was pretty much Girl Gone Wild.

Screwed up my guts to get onto the Battlestar Galactica.. but the tamer version.

There are two rollercoasters charging at each other at top speed, but I can only take the PR's word for it.

Travelling at 90km/hr, my eyes were closed for most of the ride and I screamed all the way through. Longest bloody 90 seconds of my life.

Also tried the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure...

Got completely soaked and dizzy cos it's like a bumper car/spinning tea cup ride in the water.

And ironically, I was ok after all the rides, but wanted to puke after taking an SBS bus ride home later tonight. T__T

Another perk of the being the media?

Limited edition lanyard with special USS pins!! Excuse the crappy handphone pic quality.

And of course, I got sucked into the whole LOOK AT ME, SHINY MERCHANDISE allure, and ended up buying this...

Scream!! I waved it in front of my boss and he simply shook his head. Nothing rattles my boss.

Of course, since I'm certified office bimbo, people actually started offering me condolences when David Beckham got injured.

LOL. Good Day.

P.S.: Also did my appraisal today. Less appraisal than complain session.

Somehow, plenty of vitriol spewed out, practically a laundry list.

And then my boss kept asking me if I was serious about leaving after 1 more year.

Huh. I don't think I gave him a convincing answer. So I think I may have screwed up. Corporate bullshit 101: never give anyone the idea you're quitting. that might screw up increments/bonuses etc.

Oh well. We shall see. Either he was serious about wanting me to stay, and hopefully we can improve on my work... or I get thrown into cold storage.

Que sara sara.

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