Friday, September 03, 2010


Well, the Zhao is off to Pakistan to be a war journo.. Or not.

Despite there being destruction, disease, pain and violence, and despite my reservations, i couldn't say no.

As a fellow journo, i can understand the desire to see outside of Singapore, the lure of being thrown into utter chaos, surviving on your wits and witnessing something that's both horrifying but also appealing as a writer.

As one professional to another, how could i have denied him this chance? If someone gave me a plane ticket, i might have hopped on too.

So although the girlfriend part of me is terrified and worried and sickened with fear... I couldn't stop him.

He did say that if i expressed great opposition, he would pull out. I thought about it, but in the end, i just couldn't do it.

I can't wait for Tuesday to roll around...

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