Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The best and worst gift ever

As much as i hate being alone, i occasionally enjoy the odd moment of being a recluse.

Shutting myself in my room, turning on the a/c, snuggling under the covers and watch endless tv.

I'm a huge tv addict. American tv to be exact. I can spend hours mesmerised by what's in front of me.

Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff is not available in Singapore (damn lousy cabLe).

No matter,there's always Internet streaming.

But therein lies another problem - it's difficult to find a good link, it stops halfway or takes forever to load.

Just 2 days ago, ZW witnessed the level of my madness when i stayed up till 4am trying to load a damn episode of Vampire Diaries (no judging, the guys are really hot ok?)

Being the bestest, he gave me possibly one of the best presents ever - paid subscription to a streaming website - thinking that it'd solve my agony.

Except that it hasn't really. I'm not sleeping any earlier cos now i'm watching MORE shows. I'm even trying to watch before i start work.

Goodbye world, hello laptop.

Seriously, who the heck would want to go to work and face people you can't stand, doing work that's uninspiring, when i can veg out in my pjs?

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