Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Without fanfare, our 6-month anniversary passed over us.

Has it really been half a year already? Has time moved so quickly?

We didn't celebrate... We were both working - me night shift, him graveyard... And we both kinda forgot the date even.

Oh well.

But what a six months.

While i'd like to report that things have been moving without a hitch, life alas, is not quite a fairytale.

As much as i'm still very young (ahem), my take on a relationship is less starry eyed, and dare i say it, more realistic.

Japan was a great experience not just cos it was fun, but it really showed what a life together meant, being together all the time.

I think it helped me stop being so clingy, becos i learnt the value of time apart. To have time to cool down after a fight, to have time to do your own thing without having to plan around someone else's needs and wants. Just enjoying being alone.

I admit - i'm a needy chick. I'm an emotional wreck and it can drive a person nuts with my need for reassurance.

At one point in our japan trip, we both reached a point where we were sick of being around each other so much we both agreed that we needed a short timeout to do our own thing.

And i think that was a healthy development. To admit that we didn't need to be around each other ALL THE TIME.

If i really want this to work, i need to know and feel that i'd be ok alone. That i don't need constant reminders to feel secure.

I'm not perfect, but i'm getting there.

So thanks for being patient baby, and happy anniversary. :)

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