Monday, May 30, 2005

Break Time!

I've just woke up from a 13 hour sleep. Now, before you recoil in horror and start yelling "Pig! Pig!" let me assure you that my long slumber was fully justified.

I've not sleep properly for the past couple of weeks. Holding down two jobs is not fun, especially when I have to rush from one to the other. Fighting the going home crowd, running down the streets of Raffles Place, just to get to OCBC on time. And then sit through meeting after meeting after meeting. Not fun at all.

So anyway, I'm unemployed again! Yup, my contract with RP is over, so back to looking again. But this time, I don't think I'll be looking very hard. It's just not worth it. Having to run around like a stupid chicken and sleeping a few hours every night is not how I envisioned spending my holiday.

So anyway, if anyone has a nice, high-paying, office job that doesn't require much effort, call me! I'm available!

Right. Now back to my slacking. Muahaha!

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