Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Finally! Some Pictures!
Lol, yes, I've gotten around to uploading some photos. Comprising of some random shopping I did a while back, and my latest weekend activities. Hmmm... time for some revelations...

Ahhh shoes... so comforting... so pretty to look at... but such a pain to wear. Oh gosh, Noda shoes suck big time can! Blisters galore and they get twisted out of shape when I walk. Grrr... luckily they're pretty. Lol, I'm like a man in this area. Women, never mind that they are a pain, pretty can already. See the similarity?? :)

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I've always wanted nice pointy shoes... but light blue is a pain to match.

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More faux snake skin! Isn't it pretty?? But my toes are numb from wearing them.. but the torture is worth it!

The weekend began as all weekends lately do - in school. Sigghhh... was working on the OCBC project again. Surprised? Please don't. Only adds to the pain. Anyway, after the meeting, a group of friends celebrated Crotch's birthday at Brewerkz. A nice enough joint, even though the beer was horrendous. Ewww... I mixed beer with a Cosmo. Bad bad choice. Kiddies, when they say don't mix beer with spirits, it's for good reason. Luckily I didn't drink a lot.

Time to meet the gang.

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Birthday boy and me. Yeah, I know. Bad photography.

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Salad boy and me. Beware the trash talking when he's had a drink. Or when he's with other trash talkers. I nearly died from all the rude male jokes that were flying around the table that night. I needed all the alcohol for fortification.

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Group shot! I only knew 4 people in that group! Please, no racist jokes. I can just imagine... :)

Onwards to Sunday. Back at school. We really have no life huh? At least this time I had my camera to entertain myself. Jolly asked that I take candid shots, but subject to his approval. My eyeballs rolled to the back of my head. Sheesh. So here are the not-so-candid shots.

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Jolly and Salad

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The Crotch Man at work

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Lol, I've never rejected a photo op

Celebrated Father's Day at Brewerkz (again!) Me Dad wanted to drink himself silly, but it's a little hard with your dear old wifie (cue: my mum) is glaring down your neck. The last time the father got drunk in front of the wife during a wedding, my mum took her supplementary platinum card from my dad and went shopping. Beware the huffy woman. Hahaha!

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Say cheese!

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Cheryl and I

Oh yeah, I was supposed to give me final proposal presentation to the head honcho of OCBC today. But that stupid guy had something on at the last minute and cancelled the presentation. To think I even took leave so that I would be fresh for the presentation! And he only informed us when we were almost there! Fume...

And when we were walking back to the MRT station, this insect suddenly attacked me on my face. It flew and landed just below my lip, and I could feel it's spindly legs POKING into my face. I screamed like mad, grabbed it and flung it into the bushes. Dammit, but I hate, hate, HATE insects. I'm going to have the heebie jeebies the whole night. I kept feeling it's legs poking me. Ewww...

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