Monday, November 07, 2005


Bidding for the next semester has begun. Guess who deigned to lower his superior self and msn me?

A: Hello dear

A: Did you get assigned Ethics? Which group?

Me: Grp 4

A: Damn, I'm in Gp 5

A: Good luck

A: Bye!

Motherfucker. Only know how to use people for personal gains. If I was in the same class I also wouldn't want to do project with you. You think you really can manipulate people to suit your needs? You really think you can tie up your designated project mates so that you are constantly surrounded by your minions?

Go fuck yourself lah, seriously. Thank God I am also a manipulative female and can fake a smile whenever I see you. Otherwise, the real me just wants to spit in your face and laugh at your hypocrisy. I'm not your freaking puppet, so don't cross my path.

CB asshole.

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