Men Are Stupid Creatures
Don't give me some bull crap about stereotyping and making sweeping statements. Men ARE stupid creatures, there are no exceptions and sometimes they truly deserve to burn in bachelor hell. They can sit around and watch bad football, drink stale beer and reminisce about how stupid they were. Bah.
I was having volleyball training in school yesterday, running and jumping around and just doing my thing, when I executed a poor landing and popped my ankle. Hobbling painfully off the court, I hastily wrapped my ankle in tape. So what did I do next? I called my supposed boyfriend to come and take me home cos I needed emotional and physical support.
I called, he hemmed and hawed, going so far as to say that it probably wasn't anything serious and I just wanted to whine to someone, and informed me that "what was he suppose to do?" and "why don't you just take a cab home?"
I was furious. So much for being the love of my life. So much for caring about my welfare. Argh. In a fit of rage and with too much pent up anger, I tightened the bandage, laced up my shoe, and played volleyball for another 2 hours.
Talk about cutting off your nose to spike your face. Today, I woke up and my ankle hurts like hell. I'm sitting on my couch, stewing in my self pity and angry over how pathetic the situation is. Fuck lah. I can't even go out cos it hurts too much to walk.
His act of nonchalance, blatant laziness and inconsiderate behaviour cuts all the more especially when I'm surrounded with new love. 2 of my team mates have recently hooked up and just seeing the "new bliss" that surrounds them tears me into a million pieces when I'm faced with the lack of concern. Their boyfriends make the trip to SMU just to see their girlfriends, never mind the distance and what not. I'm hurt and stupid Fadz can't even be bothered to come get me.
I think this is the fear faced by every longtime relationship. That your other half simply stops caring. Stops trying to make magic happen because why bother? That stale moldiness that sets in and drives me to despair. Who am I to judge people who indulge in flings and whatnot when I find myself wanting to cave in to similar temptations? The need for something new, the need to find what is lacking in your current relationship. The need to stop doing what's right and start doing what feels GOOD. To stop thinking about the future for a moment, to throw caution to the wind, to live it up for one night, damn the consequences and be FREE.
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