Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Heart Is Broken

I'm shattered. My soul is battered. My heart has been smashed into a million pieces.


I absolutely HATE Portugal now. I hope France kicks the shit out of those asses. I hope France's defence cuts down Christiano Shithead Ronaldo so fast he dives as a desperate attempt to get the other team carded but his dumb act is recognized by the referee and HE gets carded.

Yes, I am that passionate. From now on, I shall refer to that country as PUI. Next week, it's France versus PUI. Remember to bet your money in France. NO way is that loser team getting into the finals.

It was such a painful match to watch. First, my beautiful darling Beckham was injured and had to be sent off. His pained and despairing facial expressions cut into my heart with every wince. Then stupid Rooney had to go and clash with dumbass Ronaldo. He should have kicked his balls too. And let's not forget the penalty shootout. When Lampard missed, I knew England was screwed. Absolutely agonizing stuff.

I watch football for David. Every tear, every cheer, is for him. Sigh...

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So magnificantly beautiful. So regal. Sir David Beckham. My knight. Probably his last World Cup. And since La Liga matches are in the insane hours of 2-3am, I doubt I'll see much of him unless he comes back to English football. Sigh.

Here's my final homage to the freekick wonder. Sir Beckham. I salute you.

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