Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Have A Dirty Mind!!!!
Yes, yess, to all those people nodding sagely, bugger off. I just didn't realize that my mind worked in such a warped manner until today. Anyway, I was with the volleyball people and we went for lunch together at Plaza Sing. So long story short, David and I were chatting and I think we were talking about school or something... Whatever the case, look at what happened:

David: ".... I need to buy CB".

Me: momentarily stunned. brain thinking, "CB? Chee Bye? He needs to buy chee bye? How sad can this boy get??"

Me: "erm, you need to buy what?"

David: "CB, Consumer Behaviour textbook."

That's when the curtains parted and it all made sense. I feel terribly, terribly ashamed. Why like that? Why, why, why? It's not like I actively think about such things... it just happens! In fact, I think I probably know less Hokkien swear words than a lot of people!

Need to wash brain/mouth/ears.

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