Sunday, October 22, 2006

I've rebonded my hair!

Felt that it was time I stopped fighting my stubborn hair and waking up every morning disappointed with my unruly hair. Seriously, no more ponytails for a long, long time.

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A bad before the rebonding of hair picture. Sigh. I'm so not missing my old hair.

Visited Cheryl's salon. All her friends go there. It's like a big frat party. And the hair stylist drinks alcohol after 9pm. Haha, he's so gay it's amusing.

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Xtrim. Not a very good shot.

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My new hair! So much neater right? I even felt better instantly.

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Cheryl did her hair too. Decided on old Hollywood glam. I think she looks like a giant Oriental doll.

Oh yeah, and I was featured on Business Times! :)

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