Monday, October 23, 2006

You know, love is a very, very funny thing. It makes people do all sorts of stupid things, and yet, it can feel like the best feeling in the world. Like you're unstoppable. But the way I see it, it's just a feeling. Sure, it's a great if you have it, and you always imagine/hope/wish/long that there will always be that special someone.

But if you think about it, EVERYONE could potentially be your special someone. Yes, we all have our ideal mate, with ideal qualities and characteristics. But if you look back on past boyfriends/crushes/lust objects, I don't think there's been anyone who has fit all your requirements. There would definitely be something you didn't like about the chosen one, and you'd have to make some concessions to make things fit. If you can live with the flaw(s), good for you and the relationship. If not, you move on, you try again, and hope that the next time around you find someone whose flaws don't piss you off as much.

But what I really don't understand is unrequited love. I know, I know, it sounds romantic, holding a torch for that ONE person and hoping against hope that eventually that person would feel the same way.. But it only looks good on paper. Personally, I think it's the dumbest idea in the whole world. How can you continue feeling good about a person when the person obviously doesn't feel the same way? I'm a total believer of reciprocity. Besides, you can't tell me that you honestly believe the person you are currently into has characteristics unique to that one person, right? Sure, it may seem that way for some time... but sooner or later, someone else is going to come along that possess most of the qualities you look out for. But if you keep stubbornly clinging on to one person, no one else can break through that wall of stupidity.

Hmmm, I'm not very forgiving, am I? I suppose this stems from having my own bad experience. It was a bitter lesson that I refused to ever let go off. Led up the wrong path? Check. Unrequited feelings (I don't think love is the right word; more like like like)? Check. Slap in the face? Check check. Revenge? Ohhh, totally check with 10 gold stars.

Some of you may recall this skinny boy way back in good ol' BPGHS by the name of Bill Lee Wei Liang. We grew super close to each other over the course of 1 year. I can't take responsibility for the growth of the relationship because he basically did most of the work. He called me every night, he chose to sit next to me in class, he made a big deal when my form teacher told him to change seats because we weren't paying attention in class, he wanted to eat lunch with me every single day.

I didn't realize it, but I was slowly developing feelings for that guy. I still remember one conversation we had. We were talking about guys and suddenly, Bill asked me, "What kind of guys do you like?" I listed down all my criteria, one of them being that my boyfriend had to be at least 10cm taller than me (ah, how young and foolish. Fadz is only 5cm taller than me). There was a pause, and then Bill said, "I'm 10cm taller than you."

Other incidents, perhaps insignificant on its own, when culminated seemed to point towards a disastrous path of infatuation. Things like him singling me out in the crowd and holding my gaze, him giving me a special smile that seemed like only 2 of us existed. People kept telling me that he was slimy and scum, but hey, shit happens, I suppose. Besides, he spoke well in English and carried himself well, and let me tell you, in Chinese-speaking BPGHS, that made him a catch in my eyes.

Long story short, I fell for him, he ran for his life, he tried to find a new best female friend, and that totally pissed me off. My pride was injured, I felt pissed off that our friendship meant so little, and er, went on a vengeance. Got him kicked out of the students' council, unleashed the already disgusted male classmates upon him and basically made his life hell. Yes, yes, I do feel twinges of guilt as I speak of this now.

So why the sudden reminiscencing? Because a good friend of mine is going through the same shit. Honey, no good would ever come out of it. If the guy doesn't like you,there really isn't much you can do. Going out of your way to please him would do nothing because MEN ARE STUPID CREATURES. It's really not there fault sometimes; they are so oblivious that it can sometimes be funny. They treat you like a sister without even knowing that they are giving off the wrong signals. And when you do finally tell them, they think you are a freak.

Can there ever be platonic relationships? I don't believe it. Good friends, maybe. But best friends tend to lead to somewhere more, or someone hoping for more.

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