Thursday, October 26, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya!

I seriously enjoy this holiday. Every year, I work myself up into a gastronomic fever because Fadz mum is a freaking damn good cook.

Every year, she trots out the lontong, beef rendang, sambal sotong and super sedap chicken. Yum, yum, yum.

Besides, it's the only time of year Fadz shops for new clothing, so yes, I am a happy girl.

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Fadz with his songkok. They are getting more elaborate every year.

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Taking a break from all that walking.

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Fadz with his numerous shopping bags and my fave stray cat in the world.. Gandalf!

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Hari Raya goodies! I definitely overate.

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Unlike Chinese New Year, black is not considered inauspicious.

And presenting... my fave toddler in the world...

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ANDRIAN! Isn't he just the most adorable, blur-looking baby you've ever seen? He's a complete terror, though. He's at the stage where he's testing every thing, so when he saw the cake on the table, he squeezed it between his tiny hands and giggled. Sigh.

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Yes, eat yourself. So cute right? I just want to hold him and squeeze him like a teddy bear.

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