Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Injury prone

Sigh, I sprained my ankle. 3 days before I'm heading off to Germany.

No, I wasn't running after a story, I wasn't wearing high heels, I wasn't climbing some mountain.

I was talking to my boss in his office, turned to exit, and my left foot got stuck in the carpet.

Bam! Crack! Ow! There goes the old left ankle again.

Circa May 2007, I sprained my right ankle in Beijing while on holiday. Also in flats.

Circa 2006, I sprained my ankle while playing volleyball. Also in flats (sports shoes to be exact).

My conclusion? High heels aren't dangerous. I've NEVER hurt my ankles in them. It's the flats. they're killing me, seriously. At this rate, I'd run out of ankles to injure.

Bloody sodding hell. At least my boss let me off early to see a doctor.

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