Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Random Thoughts
Exams start tomorrow, for 2 consecutive days. Am I prepared? Don't think so. Fingers crossed and hopefully I don't fail.

3 construction works going on simultaneously around my house. Neighbour tearing up kitchen. Government tearing up the parking lot. Some other work. Noise is killing me. Am retreating to Cheryl's house for the remainder of this week. No, this time I'm seriously gonna study. I have to! And I'm NOT bringing the swimsuit.

What do I want to do once the exams are over (in 3 days time!)? Hmm, no one wants to employ me, so that means I'd be broke, but damn free. Great. And Christmas was is coming. What do I want, what do I want.... Prada Gucci Dior Fat chance. Need to think realistically. What do I want indeed....

Told you it was random. Too much last minute cramming does that to the brain.


Monday, November 20, 2006

The Incredible Blahness of Being
Nothing's happening in my life to blog about. Exams are around the corner, so that basically spells the end of any social activity. The only thing that gets me worked up these days is that my supposedly straight, rebonded hair ain't so straight anymore. Damn my genes. It took Cheryl (my sister) 7 years of rebonding her hair to tame the beast. Geraldine (my other sister) also rebonded her hair, but has the financial means to keep going to the hair salon for touch-ups and professionally washed and blown hair. Me? I just have my hand held that smells burnt. Great.

Random photos of me and friends doing projects in school. How pathetic can life get?

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Hilarity ensues when the clock ticks past midnight.

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See? Sylvia is crying.

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And here she is looking sleepy. I swear that girl only has 2 moods.

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You don't say.

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We were in the library. Yes, I wrote that. Yes, I'm antisocial. Bite me.

Oh yeah, and we hung out at the pool one day after class. Yes, my school has a roof top pool. Yes, it also comes with a sauna. Yes, it's under-utilized.

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The pool men were definitely happy.

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Tyra Banks on ANTM: "I have a couple of rules. When posing for a men's mag, legs apart. Women's magazine, legs together. Men's mag, chest out. Women's mag, chest in." Ah, what wise words indeed.

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No lah, not free not free.

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And that's the small pool. But peace and serenity lasted all of 1/2 hour before guess who turns up? My Investment Banking Professor. Talk about awkwardness. Hello, half-dressed prof with us in a pool? Besides, it was disappointing. I thought he would have a better body. After all, he swims and jogs every day. But, nada. His body was DEFINITELY not equipped with a 6-pack.

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Sigh. People always say Fadz is malnourished. Whatever it takes to plump up my feller, right?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

You've become toxic, instead of intoxicating.

My health is suffering as a result. Enough is enough.

I come first now.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Keeping the Faith
Sigh, I should really be wary of what I wish for. The cliche has never bitten back with such vengence before. I was musing the other day that I've never stayed over in school before. Not at the new campus, neither at our beloved Bukit Timah campus. Nada. It's like I've missed out on an entire component of student life.

So this semester, time management has basically sucked and one week before all the projects were due, my group and I found ourselves with half-finished projects, meaning, we were fucked.

So what did the brilliant moi suggest? Let's stay overnight, yo!

Somehow, I was envisaging more slumber party and running around City Hall at 3am, and less huddled up in some godforsaken room, typing till my hands trembled.

Guess which happened?

We had to churn out a 90-page financial project and towards the end, I was typing gibberish. LOL, can you imagine doing the same project from 10am to 10am the next day and still not complete? People walked in and out of the common area, stunned that we didn't sleep the whole night and still not be able to complete. No, I do not want to hear any talk about our inefficiency. Some things don't need to say.

Highlight of the whole fiasco? Laughing like bimbos even at 2 in the morning. Being entertained by our himbo sole male team mate. He's from China. He listens to China songs. We had military songs blaring out of his lap top at 12. It vibrated throughout the whole building. We were all tempted to line up in rows and march to the tune.

Oh oh, and eating at the 24-hr kopitiam at 2 and 3am. Fishballs have never tasted so good.

I'm really glamourizing the whole event. Most of it was tedious and back-breaking. And not sleeping for so long was bad for my skin. And my temper. Cranky Joanne is a sight to behold.

Worse case: We had to go back the following day (SUNDAY!!!!) to continue because there was just too much work left. And everything was due on Monday. Haiz.

This week has not been good. Bad, bad, bad. I can't wait for Friday.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I'm in school. On a Friday. Staying the whole night through. To finish a project. It's due on Monday. After 14 hours, it's still no where near completion.

Please, please, please let us finish the project by today. I can't imagine having to come back on Sunday to continue doing it.

My eyes are drooping. My darling lappy is screaming in heat at the abuse from being switched on so long.

I'm overheating too. The school turned off the air-conditioning in a bid to save money. AM.BURNING.TO.DEATH.IN.GROUP STUDY ROOM.

I want some comfort. Perhaps a midnight jaunt to 7-11?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Haven't blogged for a while. Life is sucking at the moment. 4 projects concurrently. 2 not going well. Fingers crossed and heart willing, the next 2 weeks would pass mercifully quickly.

It's like an injection. Let's get it over and done with ASAP.

Hee, not to belie my miserable position, but I still managed to spend some time with Fadz.

FINALLY checked out Vivocity. Can I say, so totally hyped up? I was bored after walking around for 10 minutes. I couldn't find anything worth parting money with.

Plus, the scenery was so-so, thanks to the stupid haze rearing its ugly, stinky head. Sigh.

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Am I too fair? Why would fair equate sickly? *pout* I'm going for the snow white, shiny straight black hair look, can? I want to return to my Oriental roots, can?

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Yes, Vivocity paid some artist to construct a giant snow man.

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Smile! Why you never smile!!???

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Ok, try again.

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The harbour front. That's Sentosa across the water. Not very spectacular, hor?

Oh yeah, and we cam-whored a bit in school. Hey, it was Saturday and we had been doing project for 8 hours.

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Very thirsty work.

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Jo is not happy.

And... it's almost Monday again. Save me.