Hello from Germany again!
The conference is officially over, I'm on my own and itching to explore the city!
For the past week, it's been work, work, work, from 7.30am to 11pm almost every night. By the time I reach the hotel, it's dark and I'm exhuasted and there's no way I want to leave and go partying or whatever.
But it's exhilarating and a little bit scary to be all alone in a foreign land. It's like that thrilling first sip of alcohol, or the first time you successfully sneak into a club underage, or watch an RA movie, or many other things that I should not mentioned... but you get the drift.
Travelling on your own is like a clandestine moment to be savoured, but you're also unsure of what to expect.
My second hotel is quite nice, significantly smaller than the first, but a lot nearer to town. My first hotel, for all it's grandeur, was in such an isolated place that I was surrounded by car shops, washing machine and mattress shops! The nearest sign of civilisation was a Mac's 10 minutes away.
I'm just grateful that the official part of the trip is over. It was so tiring maintaining this air of professionalism. And I felt like I was in such a conundrum - on one hand, I still feel like a student and in fact, some of the student envoys were older than me! So, it was a real dilemma whether I should stick to the students or stick to the PR people and other jounalists. But at times, the students just seemed so.... immature and noisy and I was this close to throttling them.
But on the flip side, the PR people were kinda old, and always tired, and sigh... okok, shouldn't complain so much about a free holiday work assignment.
So you know what? I'd just enjoy being alone for a while. Exploring museums for hours on end (and not have to deal with fellow travellers who are bored), shop wherever I want, eat whenever I want...
Haha, I need to buy another bag! The tiny suitcase I brought is bursting at the seams already... :)
So anyway, this was a video I took of my hotel... as you can tell, I REALLY didn't see much aside from my hotel room and the conference...
And this is where I'm staying now...
Alright, going out now... bye bye.. or as Heidi Klum would say... Auf wiedersehen!