I remember when the first season of Singapore Idol came out, I followed it religiously, watching every episode with feverish delight and cheering for my favorite. When it came to the finals between Taufik and Sylvester, I rallied behind Taufik because I was mesmerized by those long lashes, amazing smile and voice. Besides, Sly was gay and beng. I voted, forced Fadz to vote, and wrote my declaration of love and devotion on a white board in school.
Ah the folly of youth, how I miss that. I even bought Taufik's first album. See, such a loyal fan right?
So when the second season rolled around, I was of course, older and much cooler. Miss an episode here and there? No sweat. Anyway, some of the contestants really, really sucked. Thank God there's no 3rd season. I don't think my ears can take more horror before reaching the acceptable finals.
Hady vs Jonathan. It was always too reminiscent of the first finals. The difference? Erm, hello, more even competition? Jonathan looks a gazillion times better than Sly, and sounds lovelier too.
Just look at that. Jon looks like a slightly less appealing version of Taneshi Kenishiro! Since Taneshi is like the ultimate God, even 80% of that means you're damn good! And for a Singaporean! All the more must give him props!
But fine, it's a singing competition. People aren't shallow, right? And Hady did rock the house, so good luck to him, fighting for the same territory as Taufik. And I do like his singing. But Jon? Limitless appeal, man.
Yes, Hady can sing damn well and he made a pukable song radio-friendly.
But this cuteness is hard to resist.
LOL, maybe I'm not out of the adolescence woods yet.