Friday, June 22, 2007


I'm officially bored. My big boss is terribly ill and took MC for the whole week, meaning my Sup is pretty darn free too. So free that she was bored of looking at the screen / watching YouTube, and decided to go for a smoke break walk. The person next to me is on leave cos her boyfriend was going for minor surgery. That's girlfriend speak for I-want-to-sleep-in-late.

So where does this leave me? Doing data entry. Ok, I kinda know that is what I signed up for, and frankly, I recognize the importance of setting up the employee system. Seriously, the information is all over the place, no one knows who someone else is, don't even know whether male or female. It's semi-ludicrous. So yeah, that's my grand job, keying in everyone's information.

But that doesn't prevent it from being the world's most boring job. I'm practically snoozing away at my seat. And hence, blogging.

Guess I could bitch a little about my colleagues. They're mostly nice people, very task-oriented but always ready to spare a smile. You just have to distinguish the fakes from the genuine warm human beings.

I absolutely detest the Executive Assistant to the CEO. Now she, redefines BITCH. And probably SLUT too. Social climber who is shameless about her antics. On my 2nd day here, I met her at the photocopier (yup, that's where we all form close bonds). She smiled at me, and I thought, what a nice lady. And then she tried to make conversation as we printed our stuff. So when she asked what I wanted to do for a career, I told her I'm quite interested in exploring the HR track. That's when her claws came out. She smiled a pitying smile, and said in a vastly superior voice, "Why HR? Now, if I was in a management position, HR would be the first to go. It can simply be outsourced." Erm, thanks a lot bitch. Did I do anything to provoke such a hostile statement? You think so easy to outsource ah? HR personnel fight fires every single freaking day, solving problems that demand immediate attention. Sure, the calculation of payroll can be outsourced, leave and MC can be electronized. But what happens when there are queries? What happens when there are discrepencies, miscommunication, unhappiness? A warm body is important can! Fine, you think everything can be outsourced. Next time you need to make an expense claim or medical claim, I shall put a phone in front of you and ask you to call the outsourcer to solve your stupid petty problems!

After that attack, I became rather weary of her, and also more observant of her behaviour. Boy, is she a disgusting old cow. Ok, so at 47 she's not that old, but for her to blatantly flirt with all her bosses gives me the creeps. She speaks with this stupid, fake ang moh accent, thinking it gives her polish but just reminds me of sad SPGS and what they would be like 20 years down the road. Pitiful. And she giggles like a cross between a hyena and a 2-year old, which grates on my nerves. The women in the office steer clear of her. The men are too stupid to realize.

And things really turned for the worse just a few days ago. It was about 6pm, knockoff time. She comes over as if the queen is sweeping into the room, gracing her serf with her grand presence. She wants a favour: drafting of a simple letter and getting the CFO to sign it. In the time she takes to explain the situation to me, she could have jolly well completed the whole damn thing. But no, I suppose piddly little letters are beneath her Royal High(Ass)ness. So after taking 1 minute to write the bloody thing (there were previous letters! Similar! Just change the damn fields!) I passed it to her to take a look. She reads. She sighs dramatically. I ask if anything's wrong (hello, this is the 5th of such letters you've asked for), and she has the gall to say "It's not perfect, but it'd do. It's grammatically off."

Mother fucking, holy hell of all bitches!!!!!!!!! You ask for a favour, show no gratitude, be a complete bitch and dare to behave as if I'm a total imbecile! Argh!

And as a powerless intern, all I could do was grin and bear. But in my mind, all these gruelsome thoughts were spinning so quickly I developed a headache. Yes, I was THAT pissed. Sheesh. And all the way home, I kept thinking of insults that I could have hurled at her if I was in a different position. My favourite was "At least my face isn't so lined it can be used as a water catchment area!" or "At least when I raise my eyebrows, my kneecaps don't stretch!" Ok, I know these 2 statements contradict each other, but I haven't had time to look closely enough to see whether her face is indeed lined or Botoxed to death.

Ok, enough grousing. Back to work..... Zzzzzz....

Monday, June 18, 2007

Meet the New Pod Pod

My life was really quite miserable without my ipod; it's amazing how dependent I've become on it to block out all of life's horrid noises. I truly hate people sometimes and there's nothing like blasting some great rock music to make me feel better.

Want to see the condition my old ipod was in?

Yeah, this bad. Simply heartache.

I refused to suffer my intolerable fate anymore. As fate would have it, SMU's finance department decided to stop sitting on its lazy ass during summer and expedite the TA pay processing. They told us the money would come in on 24th July. My heart sank to the bottom. But lo and behold! When I needed cash the most, SMU pulled through and paid me. Bless their materialistic hearts; never shall I yell profanities at them again.

So even though the huge gorge out of my bank account caused me to hyperventilate slightly, I took a leap of faith and bought a new ipod nano.

Meet Pod Pod v2. Isn't it simply gorgeous? I feel tears of joy coming to my eyes simply looking at it in all its pink glory. Instant love, I tell you. Even the packaging is flawless. I bow to their almighty designers.

Eat your heart out, Creative. I know I'm supposed to support local brands and all that propaganda crap, but seriously, there's simply no comparison. You've stolen their design, made them pay you patent rights on their creation... why the hell doesn't Creative just bribe the Apple designers to create better stuff for them? I guess money really can't buy everything, and the Apple culture is imitable.

Side view. Guess even for gadgets, thin is IN huh?

Ok, enough fawning over the ipod. Even if I do HEART it to bits.

Friday, June 15, 2007

My Heart is Broken

I dropped my ipod on the train to work and the screen shattered. :[ :[ :[

You know how in the movies when something dramatic is about to happen and they slow time down? Well, in reality bad things happen real quickly and there's simply no way you can react in time.

It just dropped. And all I could do was watch in horror.

*Sniff* It feels like I just killed my own baby. I even had a nickname for it. Pod Pod.

In loving memory of Pod Pod.
You have served me well and weather quite a number of falls. I guess your time was up.
Greatly missed, especially when enduring long, unpleasant rides on the MRT.
25 December 2005 - 14 June 2007

I was planning to go watch Anna and the King with Pei Wen, but now that I have to replace the ipod, goodbye musical.

Hmm, should I get the 2GB ipod ($248), 4GB ipod ($348), the Samsung music player (think PussyCat Dolls in "waitaminute") or a PSP? All about the same price... decisions, decisions, decisions.

Monday, June 11, 2007

One Last Hurrah for My 22nd!
Hmmm, photobucket seems to be down.

Anywayz, that's not the point of this post, just a general comment. I hate it when Internet sites do not work properly.

THIS POST IS BY ORDERS FROM A CERTAIN MISS AW JIALING WHO IS NOT CONTENTED WITH MERELY SEEING MY HUMILIATION ON JACKYLN HUANG'S BLOG BUT WANTS MY SILLY PHOTOS DISPLAYED HERE AS WELL. Since I'm such a nice obliging person (plus since she's my ex-captain and I shudder to think what horrors would befall me if I disobeyed), I shall oblige and make a fool of myself.

Moving on. I was pleasantly surprised when the girls got together to celebrate my birthday (belatedly) and Angie's farewell. Ms Angie Wong is flying off to the land of Mao to increase the already sizable population of SMU-ers in Ching Chong (China lah). Well, best of luck babe. We were supposed to meet early to play beach volleyball at Sentosa followed by a nice dinner at Vivocity. And of course, the outing was typical of any volleyball girls outing.



Everyone "flew aeroplane" (放飞机, geddit?). I thought I was bad for turning up at 4-ish when the original meeting time was at 12pm. At least I turned up. In the end, it was down to me, Jacklyn, Greg, Jack's SMU friend, and a bunch of ex-ACS boys. Can't remember their name, just remember them getting sunburnt.

It was fun enough I suppose, except that my delicate skin absolutely cannot tolerate the freaking sun or sand. I'm burnt even though I smothered myself in sun block and kept running for the shade cos it became too unbearably hot. Plus, I contracted sand rash. Now my legs look hideous. :(

Ok ok, this was supposed to be a happy post, but I keep getting sidetrack. I'm sleepy can. Work is not fun. I'm so damn busy, I can't even chat properly on MSN. And the work keeps coming and coming and coming.... Ok, i'm drifting again.

Yes, so after coercing Greg to have dinner with us (well, not really, seeing how he preferred to dine with the other guys. Humpf), we met up with the other girls for dinner at Thai Express. I see a pattern here. We went to Thai Express for my birthday last year too. And of course, we had to make as big a ruckus as possible. It's us man.

All these photos are taken from Jack's blog as photobucket is being a total bitch.

The very delectable Angie, Pei Ying, Moi and Soo Teng

Ms Aw, Jack Jack and Jia Yan. I shall use the funnier photo of Jialing as this is my blog. Muahahahahahhaha!

More camwhoring. What do you expect from 7 girls man?

All so chio right? Taking applicants now for... man slaves.

This old commerical suddenly popped into my mind. Remember this commercial that had this woman dressed up like Cleopatra, and she was being attended to by 2 slaves? Then she wanted a nut that was still in a shell and she passed the nut to one of the slaves. The camera pans to the slave's face which contorts in pain.. we hear a snapping sound and he grimaces, before handing the cracked nut back to Cleopatra. He had used his thighs (or knees, I can't remember which) to crack open the nut. I thought it was the funniest thing on tv. Don't remember? You people have no childhoods.

Group shot of my dear girls

Oh yeah, and they made me do stupid things too. I was given the most hastily put together ang pow and it was vaguely embarrassing seeing them collect the money in front of me before passing it to me. I hope I looked suitably surprised. But hey, I had to work for my money ok....

First it was this...

Then it degenerated to this. Thanks ah, people. The other customers thought I had gone nuts. Lost it. Went over to the other side. You get my point.

Sigh, but you know I still love you all right? Thanks for everything!

P.S.: My tagboard very hard to use meh??????? I feel so untagged and unloved... :[ :[ :[

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Impending Doom

It's Day 9 of my internship and I'm sensing impending doom.

I'm about to lose my table.

Yup, for the past few days, I have been happily ensconced at my cubicle, with my own drawers, telephone and stationery. I have a nice brown wide desk and colleagues on either side of me. But all that is about to change.

The company, which is already woefully cramp, is hiring people in a mad rush. Currently, there are only 5 available tables left. 3 more newbies are arriving next week. 2 the following week. And 5 in July.

Do the math, see who's expendable. Seeing how I'm the lowest of low interns, and in the HR department (always the first to get axed/pushed/mistreated), they have decided that I'm the easiest to dispose of.

Oh woe is me. My big boss (the group HR Manager) is thinking of getting me to sit in her office. What a barrel of fun that would be. I would have to mind my Ps and Qs, endure her nagging (she's actually a nice lady, just naggy) and have to be surreptitious with the (mis)use of my Internet authority. Currently, I'm quite flagrant with the way I display my MSN and Skype and random checking of mail. Shitters man. My supervisor tried to save me by suggesting that it'd be highly inconvenient for my big boss cos I need to move in and out, and she needs to have meetings during which I need to vamoose.... I dunno how that would work out. But my replacement location isn't much better - the interview room. Great. Just freaking great. The interview room has no windows, no telephone, high, uncomfortable chairs and a freaking tiny table.

Hmm, should I ask them to shorten my internship? I just wanna get outta there now if that's my future working conditions.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Birthday Celebrations =)

Yup, some backdated photos from my birthday celebrations... I've been pretty busy with work... Even though it's only been 1 week, and I'm doing mostly administrative work, there's constant stress to complete work ahead of time and deal with an office full of women. Anyway, some photos from my birthday...

Things kicked off with a family dinner at Garibaldi. Two words: freaking fantastic.

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The food is flawless but the service could do with some improvement. There's a strict hierarchy with regards to the service and the customers just have to suck it up. We wanted water when we sat down and since we didn't realize there was a hierarchy, we asked a random waiter. He looked at us, smiled curtly and said "immediately". Except, immediately wasn't quite immediately. Only after we asked for the 2nd time, did we get water. It turns out that we had asked the sommelier for water and HE didn't serve water. And since the water/bread server guy wasn't around, we had to wait until he turned up. Amazing, don't you think? And man, was that stupid sommealier a stuck-up bastard. We didn't order wine cos the meal was already horribly expensive, and when the place became busier and he was "forced" to serve some food to our table, he plonked it on our table and walked away quickly because another table asked for wine. Bastard. But all that was soon forgotten when we tasted the food. Beef ravioli with mushrooms in wine sauce. Oh. My. God. I died and went to heaven.

That was the Sunday before my birthday. The following Monday was my Chinese birthday, actual birthday on Thursday. Since my summer school exam was on Friday, I didn't get to celebrate. Sort of. In compensation, my dear mommy planned a steamboat dinner for me on Monday, and I had crab and fondue on Thursday. Fair enough.

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Haha, yes, those are Shrek ears on me. Hey, it's for charity ok! And Cheryl got them for me as a joke. Don't you just love older sisters?

Met Pei Wen and Mei Bao for dinner on Friday and ate Japanese. Thanks for the celebration even if I was a last minute substitution. Humpf.

But the week was capped off in a fantastic way. My celebration with Fadz. He brought me to watch Pirates of the Caribbean since I was dying to see Orlando Bloom on the big screen. He more than delivered. He brought me to Vivocity Gold Class! I was so freaking excited!

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Orlando Bloom looks so much better on a big screen. I nearly flooded the place with my drool. And it was such a long movie that lounging all over a huge, comfy seat made it sooo much better. The retractable seats are damn fun to operate. No one to kick my seat!

Dinner was at Baladi, this Lebanese place at Arab Street. There's a hilarious story. Fadz had made a reservation at this other Lebanese place he found on the Internet. We got to Arab street, and it turns out to be a COFFEESHOP. Apparently, they changed management, but kept the same name. And there on a table, was this reservation sign with Fadz name on it. I nearly collapsed onto the floor with laughter. My poor baby. Luckily I recalled this place nearby that Aaron Aziz goes to and we went there for dinner instead. No aircon, so that was a little icky... But the food was pretty good and the service was decent. Hahahaha... nothing like a man who can make me laugh.

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! And it certainly was! Moreover, the staying in to study on my birthday sure was worth it. I got an A+ for Portfolio Management!!!! :] :] :] :]